2013年11月21日 星期四

電腦安裝genymotion Android模擬器



Android SDK ADT Bundle 2013.10.30 免安裝版 - 免費Android程式開發工具


第一次使用要先設定ADB(Android Debug Bridge)連線,按「Yes」繼續。(這裡指的就是第21步驟我們解壓縮的Android SDK ADT Bundle


將它指向(第23步驟中)解壓縮後的「Android SDK ADT Bundle」內的「sdk」資料夾:點一下「sdk」資料夾→按「Choose」按鈕。

按「OK」按鈕完成Android SDK的設定。


2013年11月4日 星期一

opencart Sellya模組安裝設定


Sellya - OpenCart Responsive Premium Theme

Compatible with: OpenCart


Before you install this theme:
1. read the complete instruction
2. make sure you have installed and running the correct version of OpenCart
3. it is a good practice to backup your system
We recommend to use this theme on a new, clean installation or existing shops without custom core modifications.
How to install Sellya Theme?
Step 1. Unzip your downloaded "Sellya-premium-opencart-theme.zip". There are subfolders structure:
Open the folder that corresponds to your OpenCart version and upload all the files from "FILES_TO_UPLOAD" to the root directory you have installed OpenCart in.

Step 2: Theme activation
Log in the OpenCart administration and activate the theme from System › Settings › Store tab › Template dropdown (select "sellya" from the list).

Step 3: Theme module installation
Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel and click on the 'install' link. Then enable the 'Sellya Theme Control Panel' module (click on the 'edit' link, change the status to 'Enabled' and click 'Save').

Step 4: Image size adjustment
Go to System › Settings › Image tab and input this values:

IMPORTANT: If you are not using a Cloud Zoom, input this values in 'Additional Product Image Size':

Step 5: Bestsellers, Featured, Latest, Specials images
190x190 - Content Column
40x40 - Left or Right Column

Step 6: Sellya Product Slider (if you do not use the Sellya Product Slider module, skip this step)
Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Product Slider and input this values:

Step 7: Slideshow images (if you do not use the Slideshow module, skip this step)
Go to Extension › Modules › Slideshow and input this values:

Step 8: Manufacturers images (if you do not use the Manufacturers carousel, skip this step)
Go to Extension › Modules › Carousel and input this values:

Step 9: Category module
Go to Extension › Modules › Category and disable module for a Product Page:

Step 10: Background Pattern
Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel › Background Images › Body. Select 193 pattern number and click 'Save'.

How To and FAQ

Add another language

Step 1. Open file: catalog/language/english/english.php:
Step 2. Select and Copy lines 2-25:
and Paste to your language file (catalog/language/yourlanguage/yourlanguage.php).
Step 3. Translate text highlighted in green on your language:

How can I put contact details on the Main Menu?

Contact Block on the Main Menu collects data from Contact Block on the Footer.
Step 1. Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel > General Options > Main Menu > Contacts > Show Contacts and select “Yes” from the list.
Step 2. Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel > Footer > Contact Us and input your contacts.
Note: Contact Block on the Footer does not need to be turned on to contacts to be displayed on the Main Menu.

How can I set list view as default in category page?

Step 1. Open file: catalog/view/theme/sellya/template/product/category.tpl and find this piece of code (generally at the bottom of the category.tpl file):

Step 2. You should change: display('grid') to display('list'):

Step 3. Clear your browser cache to see the changes.

CSS Structure

Here is the list of css files that Sellya theme uses:
1. stylesheet.css - main stylesheet
2. stylesheet-mobile.css - main stylesheet for mobile devices
3. bootstrap.css - Twitter Bootstrap framework
4. camera.css - stylesheet for homepage slider
5. carousel.css - stylesheet for the carousel
6. cloud-zoom.css - stylesheet for the Cloud Zoom
7. dcaccordion.css - stylesheet for categories accordion
8. elastic_slideshow.css - stylesheet for the responsive slideshow
9. flexslider.css - stylesheet for homepage slider
10. tipTip.css - stylesheet for the Tooltip
11. ui.totop.css - stylesheet for the To Top button

JavaScript Structure

The custom javascript files are located in catalog/view/theme/sellya/js:

Extra Skins

You can use the extra skins in two ways:
1. without customization;
2. with customizable.

1. Extra skins without customization.

Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel, select the skin you interesting and click "Save".
Using this option, you have the ability to customize the default skin only.

2. Extra skins with customizable.

Step 1. Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel and select the default skin. 
Step 2. Open the Extras/(skin_you_want_to_use)/admin settings folder.
Step 3. Input the values ​​shown in the screenshots to your 'Sellya Theme Control Panel' module and click "Save".
Now you can freely adjust the selected extra skin.

Blog Manager Support

If you install the Blog Manager module, follow these steps:
Step 1. Go to your Sellya download pack. Open the Extensions/Blog Manager folder and upload all the files from "FILES_TO_UPLOAD" to the root directory you have installed OpenCart in.

Step 2. Now you need to put Blog link at Main or Top Menu.
Main Menu:
Go to Extension › Modules › Sellya Theme Control Panel › General Options › Main Menu › Custom Links.
Input 'Blog' in 'Title' and 'index.php?route=blog/category/home' in 'url'.
Top Menu:
Open file catalog\view\theme\sellya\template\common\header.tpl
Find (in line 1336 for OpenCart
and replace with this:
* The Blog Manager module is not included with Sellya. You can buy this extension HERE.
* We don't provide technical support for Blog Manager module. Support for this extension, you can get HERE.


Camera slideshow by Manuel Masia
Flexslider by Tyler Smith
jQuery bxSlider by Steven Wanderski
Elastislide by Manoela Ilic
DC jQuery Accordion by Design Chemical
Bootstrap by Twitter
Cloud Zoom by R Cecco
TipTip by Drew Wilson
UItoTop by Matt Varone
Patterns by Subtle Patterns
All icons by 321cart.com

Sellya Support

In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests.

opencart 新增語系


opencart的特點之一就是多國語言,在opencart裡如果要新增語系很簡單,先將語系檔案上傳至language目錄下,然後在後台內開啟就可 以使用了,另外語系檔案有分為前台和後台,各自獨立,所以可以彈性選擇後台語言和前台預設語言,不一定要相同,下面列出安裝步驟




後台->system->localisation->Language->Insert-> 填入新語系的資料(以官方英文語系為例)(括號內的文字為說明請勿輸入)
Language Name: English(設定完會顯示在前台語言選項)
Code: en(網頁使用的語言,和程式內會用到)
Locale: en_US.UTF-8,en_US,en-gb,english
Image: gb.png(國旗圖案,顯示在前台語言選項)
Directory: english(語系檔案目錄名稱,也就是你上傳的語系檔案目錄)
Filename: english(語系檔案名稱,也就是你上傳的語系檔案目錄內的語系主檔案)
Status: Enabled(開啟或關閉)
Sort Order: 0(排序)


至商店後台->system->settings->Local->將Language(前台)和Administration Language(後台)兩個選項各別選定您要使用的預設語系
上面的Code和Locale資料可以在語系檔案目錄內的語系主檔案內找到,Language Name資料可以自由輸入,Image檔案可在商店根目錄\image\flags內找到